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Visual Thinking

When all the artistic elements come together, it's a visual symphony.

What makes an image aesthetic? Why does a certain image make sense? Is abstract really that abstract?


There are so many elements to art in order for it to make sense to a variety of people. 


During this course, we attempted to learn Photoshop and Illustrator but the important lesson learned was that there will always be a bad first draft. There's a flow to creating art and even if we don't think we're creative, there are aspects of what we create that is art itself. It was a simple yet effective reminder.

The image below was created in Adobe Illustrator where we had to take an art aspect and have the word symbolize what it meant. I chose the word elimination because it just made sense for the word to become more transparent through all 11 letters of the word. I debated about making the O and N completely transparent, but by showing the entire word not only made it look complete but also it gave balance to the word. It's minimalistic and shows what elimination means without a lot of explanation. 

the word elimination becoming more transparent


Bird + Cat .gif 

We also had to create a .gif that told a story. I decided to tell a simple story about a cat eating a bird through three mediums: photography (my picture), 2D art (I created the cat using simple shapes), and motion (Canva/Adobe Premiere Pro). 

Bird + Cat gif

Bird + Cat gif

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Video Editing Skills

ASMR is still cool, right?

I'm not going to lie, this video is boring. There's a reason why I didn't submit it for my final portfolio review, and that's because it's not creative and it was done last minute. However, I believe in learning from bad projects which is why I decide to showcase this video. If I had to redo this video, I would music and significantly shorten it. Maybe tell a story with and take my hands throughout the office like I'm preparing for a big meeting; starting with my hands preparing for researching, writing something and then ending with hand gestures in a conference room. Oh well. 


The overall purpose of creating a video is to learn Adobe Premiere Pro, which is such a tough cookie to crack. 

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